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Our Story

For as long as Rikki Andrea could remember she has always loved fashion. Growing up her mother never let her leave the house without putting her into an outfit that matched along with her sisters.

Since then she has been curating her style. In high school she began her track career and further explored what she loved to wear. Her inspirations included Rihanna and Kanye West. When she graduated she was voted best dressed. After high school she began to make fashion content and worked with many brands until she decided to create her own brand. With inspiration from her Grandfather who also imbedded in her that she was one of a kind , she curated a brand that included comfort wear with a message to follow one’s purpose through spirituality. 

With Rare, Rikki Andrea has made it her mission to share words of wisdom to bring people closer to their purpose through God. Her mission is to use fashion to help others develop their purpose and spread the message of the divine.